D. Nausėdienė and O. Zelenska welcome spouses and partners of the leaders of the countries at the Ukrainian Centre

First Lady Diana Nausėdienė, together with Ukraine's First Lady Olena Zelenska, hosted the spouses and partners of the countries' leaders at the Ukrainian Centre on Wednesday.

They were briefed on the history, activities and future perspectives of the Centre, which was opened in June last year on the initiative of the First Ladies of Lithuania and Ukraine. The guests also heard the stories of Ukrainian women and children affected by the atrocities of war.

"Today, we are on Vilnius Street, named after the famous Ukrainian singer Taras Shevchenko, to hear first-hand about the realities of Ukrainians' experiences, the trials and traumas they have faced in the face of destruction and cultural aggression. To hear an authentic voice that defends the Ukrainians' unwavering desire for freedom, while at the same time presenting the dignified national identity of Ukraine and speaking about the right of every human being to live in freedom and happiness. Your visit here and your strong, common human support for this hope is extremely important and meaningful," said Ms Nausėdienė.

In the words of the First Lady, the Centre has been developed from the very first days, in agreement with Ms Zelenska, as a stable cultural and educational space, open to international cooperation, dedicated to Ukraine and its further integration into the European Union. It is an example of a humanistic, holistic space, built not on assimilation but on multilateral and multicultural integration.

According to the First Lady of Lithuania, over the years the Ukrainian Centre has become a safe haven for thousands of Ukrainians who are making active efforts to contribute to the activities, to the victory of Ukraine and to the reconstruction of their homeland.

"International solidarity has blossomed and is spreading at the Centre. The personal and sometimes unique involvement of ambassadors from different countries, both in official events and in volunteering, even involving their own family members, is heartening. Through embassies and diplomats, we connect not only the representatives of the international community, but also cultural institutes, academic and political communities, the Lithuanian diaspora abroad, international foundations and organisations," said D. Nausėdienė.

According to the First Lady, according to surveys, 97% of Ukrainians in Lithuania believe that Lithuania has received them well or very well. "I am proud of my nation and the efforts of all our people to help Ukrainians. Together,

we strive to develop community leaders who become carriers of democracy and ambassadors of hope. We believe that in the future they will be the people who, after Ukraine has won the war, will rebuild and create a European society, based on the principles of freedom and democracy, the rule of law. A modern, successful and driven country," the First Lady underlined.

During the 13 months of its operation, the Ukrainian Centre, which was established in cooperation with the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, Vytautas Magnus University and the Embassy of Ukraine in Lithuania, has been visited by more than 24,000 people, including high-ranking officials and guests from abroad.

Information and photos by the Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania / Eitvydas Kinaitis

Vyshyvanka Day in Ukrainian Centre

Thursday is the day of the Ukrainian embroidered shirt, Vyshyvanka.

According to the Embassy of Ukraine in Lithuania, this year's Vyshyvanka Day coincides with 18 May, the commemoration of the genocide of the Crimean Tatars, as well as with 18-20 May, the one-year anniversary of the withdrawal of the Ukrainian defenders from the Azovstal.

"This is why this year's celebration of Vyshyvanka Day takes on a deep and newly defined meaning - it is a day of our struggle for freedom and national identity," the statement said.

To mark the day, the Ukrainian Centre will present the project "Ukrainian-Lithuanian Vyshyvanka", the photography exhibition "Believe. Love. Wait", an exhibition of embroidered paintings, and performances by the centre's bands.

After the event, participants dressed in embroidered T-shirts will hold a flashmob and a procession in the Cathedral Square.


Translated from: https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/lietuvoje/2/1991975/lietuvoje-minima-vysyvankos-diena

D. Nausėdienė met with the Ukrainian community of Alytus region

On Thursday, First Lady Diana Nausėdienė met in Alytus with members of the Ukrainian community living in the region.

The meeting was organised by the founders of the Ukrainian Centre, which opened its doors in Vilnius on the initiative of the First Ladies of Lithuania and Ukraine - the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Lithuania together with Vytautas Magnus University and the Ukrainian Embassy.

"We see the need to share and expand the unique practice of the Ukrainian Centre throughout Lithuania, which is why today we are visiting Alytus. We want the Ukrainian Centre's services, mutual help and support to help not only the Ukrainian community living in the capital or in its vicinity, but also those who have settled in other parts of Lithuania," said D. Nausėdienė.

In her interactions with Ukrainians, the First Lady was interested in their access to necessary information, social, cultural, educational and other services. She asked the opinion of the members of the community about the opportunities for them to enter the labour market and discussed other issues of interest to Ukrainians.

The First Lady also presented the community with Ukrainian language books purchased by the Ukrainian Centre. "These books are part of the "Books without Borders" initiative under the auspices of Mrs. Zelenka, which together aims to ensure that no Ukrainian child forgets his or her mother tongue, culture and love for his or her homeland. I hope they will also become a symbol of hope and faith for you," said Nausėdienė.

The leaders of the Ukrainian Centre presented the activities and services of the institution, as well as the opportunities to join various initiatives and projects. A representative of the Embassy of Ukraine in Lithuania provided consultations on filling in the necessary documents and other services, and the Ukrainian community was also consulted by the staff of the Alytus District Municipality Administration.

Information and photos by the Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania / Eitvydas Kinaitis

D. Nausėdienė meets the President of Georgia in Ukrainian Centre

On Monday, First Lady Diana Nausėdienė met with Salome Zourabichvili, President of Georgia, who is visiting Lithuania, in Ukrainian Center.

The President was briefed on the activities, services and future perspectives of the Centre, which was established on the initiative of the First Ladies of Lithuania and Ukraine.

"We have a unique space where Ukrainian families who fled the war receive non-formal education, cultural and psychosocial services. The Centre contributes to smoother integration of Ukrainians in Lithuania, at the same time it creates favourable conditions for them not to forget their culture and language, and contributes to the preservation of their identity," said Nausėdienė.

The First Lady stressed that recently, among other activities, the Ukrainian Centre has become more and more popular for young Ukrainians to discuss democracy and European values with politicians and diplomats.

According to the First Lady, the Ukrainian Centre also has ambitions to expand its activities together with its founding partner Vytautas Magnus University. The aim is to bring together the academic community and to contribute to Ukraine's future European perspective with expertise, research and experience.

"I am pleased that Georgia is also interested in and contributing to the Ukraine Centre. The children attending the Ukrainian Centre through the Embassy of Georgia in Vilnius have received sensitive attention from your country. We encourage you to continue and strengthen this beautiful cooperation. The Ukrainian Centre is a truly appropriate place to introduce the Ukrainian community to your country's rich culture and long history," emphasised D. Nausėdienė.

During the 9 months of its operation, the Ukrainian Centre has already been visited by more than 18,000 people, including high-ranking officials and guests from abroad.

Information and photos by the Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania / Eitvydas Kinaitis